Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kelly Reeve P1 Finals

1. ENERGY (Yellow box) - The bright yellow and blue colors of this box create energy and serve to brighten a user's day. The cutouts and collage of letters on the box also create energy because of their contrasting differences and interesting patterns on each letterform. It takes a certain amount of energy for someone to read and comprehend the words on the box and what it is saying and therefore, the box itself expels energy and variation. 

2. REFINEMENT - (orange, green, blue box) This box is very clean cut and refined. It is completely computer generated which makes the design clear and understandable. The box is telling the user how refined it is and how refined the creation and goodness of Rice Krispies is. The clean color combination is a clear indication of refinement because of its gentle suggestion of an exciting day ahead. The lettering of the words "Rice Krispies" also indicates refinement because of its flow and alignment across the sides of the box

3. Presentation Box - CONFIDENCE (red, green, blue box) - The bold display of hand crafted lettering and the way it is placed on the box is an obvious indication of confidence. Letters that organic might generally not be that confident but because of the repetition and size variation of the words, they are very stable and sure, especially on a simple white background. The way the crafted words carry over to repeat in white on the back of the box also shows confidence in taking on a gray base color. The letters also creep across the corners to the back to show dominance. 

1 comment:

  1. Yo K Reeve,

    1) Degree of exploration:
    You've done an excellent job of playing around with different styles, most notably the variety of hand-lettering.

    2) Diversity:
    When you look at the boxes together, it's easy to see the differences in each style and how they fit together in a cohesive manner.

    3) Alternative or non-traditional hierarchy:
    You've seem to have utilized the idea of non-traditional hierarchy specifically in dealing with the confidence box. This is evident by the use of your hand-lettering and how the focal point is on the more than one element.

    4) Communicating the attribute:
    The attributes described to each box is accurately portrayed in your images for the most part. It's hard to tell by the limited amount of photos, but I believe that through your descriptions of each you're right on the money.

    5) Empathy for the content:
    From what I can tell it looks as if you put actual thought into the placement of each block of content on your box rather than mindlessly placing them.

    6) Photographic quality:
    The quality of your photos is very good, I just wish there were some more interesting angles of your boxes.

    7) Use of context in photographs:
    You're able to embrace the context by inserting the shots containing the breakfast environment. My personal favorite are the one where you're grabbing it out of the cabinet and the one with the rice krispies scattered throughout.

    Nicely done!
