course calendar

session one: jan 20–mar 10

A persistent and endless challenge is getting "it" all done. Managing the time demands of being a full-time design student requires dedication. Students are solely responsible for planning, managing time and completing their work. Consider the schedule bellow as a schematic of the day to day events throughout the semester. Additional in-class demos, videos, lectures and other spontaneous look/critique activities will occur when appropriate.
T, 1.20
say hello; overview; syllabus; [P1: introduction]; verify blog access; studio and homework—explore and experiment.
R, 1.22
process blog post #1 by end of class; studio and homework—explore, experiment lots! process blog evidence (post #2) of at least 12 distinct experimental iterations by end of T, 1.27 class—these may not include entirety of the supplied content.
T, 1.27
process blog post #2 by end of class; studio and homework—begin to work explore in actual size and in 3-D with folded paper/prints.
R, 1.29
studio and homework—continue to work and explore in actual size with folded laser prints; process blog evidence (post #3) of at least 9 (nine) additional, distinct iterations by end of class on T, 2.3 .
T, 2.3
group critique of 3 designs (mocked-up); studio—process blog post #3 by end of class;  homework—critique/comment on two student's work via the course blog; respond to group critique; continue the design development and refinement.
R, 2.5
studio and homework—respond to critique; continue development; photograph 3 designs in a variety of contexts that reinforce attributes. process blog post #4 (including photo studies) due by beginning of class on T, 2.10
T, 2.10
[P2: introduction]; studio—group critique photographic studies of 3 designs; homework—respond to critique; complete and photograph the final mock-ups; course blog post #1 due before class on R, 2.12.
R, 2.12
[P1: reveal]; course blog post #1 due before classhomework—research; understand everything—content, space, purpose. work towards collecting or generating at least 7 content-related icons, indexes, symbols; explore & experiment with titling; determine story; begin to program space—floor plan
T, 2.17
studio—work towards process blog post #5 by end of class: include a statement of design intent for the spatial experience (be specific about the story/narrative, idea, content theme, desired visitor response—words that describe the experience); at least three sketches (to scale) of floor plan proposals (schematic views) that include content zones and desired circulation through the space; at least three examples of titling experimentation in combination with selected content-related icons, indexes and symbols; homework—complete process blog post #5 and at least one scale, foam core model of the spatial experience using actual content, on all surfaces—must include scale "visitors"
R, 2.19
studio—w-i-p critique of spatial; continue to develop the model, plan and elevation views; homework—complete process blog post #6 before T, 2.24—include model photos and all drawings 
T, 2.24
group design critique via process blogs and so much more—spatial experience model and all necessary scale drawings; studio and homework—respond to critique; continue development and refinement of the spatial experience deliverables; begin the print (booklet) component—develop and document at least three unique concepts
R, 2.26
studio and homework—continue to develop spatial/print experiences; work towards one print direction; complete final process blog post #7 and color mock-up of print experience before class on T, 3.3
T, 3.3
individual design critique—color mock-up of print experience; homework—respond to critique; continue development; begin optional persuasive component if time appropriate
R, 3.5
individual design critique—color mock-up of print experiencehomework—respond to critique and complete all project deliverables; course blog post #2 due before final class on T, 3.10
T, 3.10
the [P2: reveal] begins at 11:30—a course blog post #2 containing all deliverables is due before class; say good bye and hughave a great break everybody <3
R, 3.12
repeating with love for session 2...say hello; overview; syllabus; [P1: introduction]; verify blog access; studio and homework—watch the carson TED talk and "google" his work; explore, experiment and play with P1 content
mid-semester break
T, 3.24
process blog post #1 by end of class; studio and homework—explore, experiment lots! process blog evidence (post #2) of at least 12 distinct experimental iterations by end of R, 3.26 class—these may not include entirety of the supplied content.
R, 3.26
process blog post #2 by end of class; studio and homework—begin to work explore in actual size and in 3-D with folded paper/prints.
T, 4.1
studio and homework—continue to work and explore in actual size with folded laser prints; process blog evidence (post #3) of at least 9 (nine) additional, distinct iterations by end of class on R, 4.2 .
R, 4.2
group critique of 3 designs (mocked-up); studio—process blog post #3 by end of class;  homework—critique/comment on two student's work via the course blog; respond to group critique; continue the design development and refinement.
T, 4.7
studio and homework—respond to critique; continue development; photograph 3 designs in a variety of contexts that reinforce attributes. process blog post #4 (including photo studies) due by beginning of class on R, 4.9
R, 4.9
[P2: introduction]; studio—group critique photographic studies of 3 designs; homework—respond to critique; complete and photograph the final mock-ups; course blog post #1 due before class on T, 4.14.
T, 4.14
[P1: reveal]; course blog post #1 due before classhomework—research; understand everything—content, space, purpose. work towards collecting or generating at least 7 content-related icons, indexes, symbols; explore & experiment with titling; determine story; begin to program space—floor plan
R, 4.16
studio—work towards process blog post #5 by end of class: include a statement of design intent for the spatial experience (be specific about the story/narrative, idea, content theme, desired visitor response—words that describe the experience); at least three sketches (to scale) of floor plan proposals (schematic views) that include content zones and desired circulation through the space; at least three examples of titling experimentation in combination with selected content-related icons, indexes and symbols; homework—complete process blog post #5 and at least one scale, foam core model of the spatial experience using actual content, on all surfaces—must include scale "visitors"
T, 4.21
studio—w-i-p critique of spatial; continue to develop the model, plan and elevation views; homework—complete process blog post #6 before R, 4.23—include model photos and all drawings 
R, 4.23
studio—continued w-i-p critique of spatial;spatial experience model and all necessary scale drawings; studio and homework—respond to critique; continue development and refinement of the spatial experience deliverables AND begin the print (booklet) component—develop and document at least three unique concepts
T, 4.28
studio—w-i-p critique of three unique print conceptsstudio and homework—continue to develop spatial/print experiences; fully develop one print direction; complete final process blog post #7 and color mock-up of print experience before class on R, 4.30
R, 4.30
individual design critiques—color mock-up of print experience; homework—respond to critique; complete all of the project deliverables and keynote®; begin or complete the optional persuasive component if time appropriate; course blog post #2 due before final class on T, 3.5
T, 3.5
the [P2: reveal] begins at 11:30—a course blog post #2 containing all deliverables is due before class; say good bye and big group hug?
R, 5.7
preparation for the sophomore scheduled class. have a great break everybody <3

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