Tuesday, April 14, 2015


For my three boxes, I chose to exhibit order, comfort, and interdependence. Throughout the process, I experimented with medium, composition, and color in order to accomplish different things.


To demonstrate order, I focused on creating a clean, simple design that would be easy to read and follow. I used black and white as I thought it best established a sense of structure. The use of the continuation of the lines in 'E' of RICE created a grid system that followed around the box.


For comfort, I decided to embroider typography and create a box out of it. This reminded me a lot of going to my grandmother's house as a child and helping her with her various sewing projects. I was reminded of the comfort and warmth of her household. I decided to show the backside of the fabric on the back of the box, because in a sense, I find it even more interesting than the front.

3) INTERDEPENDENCE (client proposal)

For the final box, and the one I would propose to a client, I stacked up letters from 'snap, crackle, & pop!' to create a pyramid running up to the top of the box. If one letter were to be removed, the entire pile would crumble. To me, this demonstrates interdependence more than anything else. I chose this one for the client, because I think it is the most interesting and readable of the three boxes.

1 comment:

  1. I find your degree of "non-computer" exploration very impressive and inspiring. I love how you thought to go as far as sewing the content of your box and how you even showed the other side of the fabric on the back of your box. Its simple but effective. There is minor room for improvement in diversity and range between your boxes since two out of the three are relatively very simplistic and organic. I really liked how you displayed non traditional hierarchy through the type treatment of your first blue box. The content isn't as clear but that is also what makes it so intriguing. I feel as though each box embodies it's attributes very well and communicates them successfully, especially the box embodying comfort. That is one of the first words that came to mind when I was deciding on what meaning was best being communicated. In terms of your photography, I responded the most to your first ones taken on the table. Something about the reflection adds an interesting context to your boxes and how they are displayed. I also thought it was an interesting to photograph the boxes on their sides. It was unique and a great way to call attention to the alternative design of the boxes. I think you could have benefitted form showing some more close ups of certain aspects of the boxes which might be notable but arn't perceived as clearly from far away. Over all I really like your set and I think you were really successful in this project and should be very proud of what you've produced! Good Job Ella!!
