Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Nicole Strubing: P1 Final

For this project I designed three different cereal boxes designs that communicate the attributes of Information, Energy and Confidence. I wanted to explore typography and tried to incorporate non-computer generated items to all of my boxes. They are experiments in color, materials, typographic form and message.


To represent Information, I chose a traditional chalkboard medium. Not only is it reminiscent of school and learning, but also it makes for an interesting and visually appealing cereal box. The main focus throughout the entire design is the information that explains what makes Rice Krispies so unique. There is a contrast between the more clean and spacious cover and top flap against the busy and compact back and sides. This box was completely hand generated.


For this box I decided to focus on the concept of the flow of energy. It is represented in the box through the shapes of the text, the way it revolves around the package, the organic and water-like movement of the ampersand and everything around it. The viewer’s eyes travel around the box and the different sides. The box can be seen and appreciated from different angles, including situating the box on its side to view the nutrition facts along with the rest of the information. This box was a mixture of hand generated and computer based elements, providing an intriguing contrast.


I used letterpress to boldly represent confidence in the last box. The thickness of the letters along with the grainy texture adds to an imposing sensation. The name of the brand is not represented in the cover because it is loudly stating what makes Rice Krispies fun. I decided to incorporate red to make the box pop more and relate it to the original vintage Rice Krispies packaging. I incorporated overlapped text and a quirky typeface to add to make it daring and a little bit grungy. Simple details make the box more fun, such as the unique mixture of the bar code and the Kellogg’s logo.


After careful consideration, I chose box #3 to be my proposed design. It experiments with contrast and hierarchy in an interesting and different way. It communicates in a nontraditional manner while solving the proposed challenge. It embodies confidence therefore visualizing the quality it was supposed to represent. Overall, it is a fun and bold experience that users will enjoy.


  1. I think you show a great range of exploration in "non-computer" form. The letterpress type has great texture and your hand lettering manipulates the type in an illustrative way. Each of your boxes are very diverse and the different attributes are evident. The letterpress box has clear hierarchy, it is bold, and the layout of the type is interesting. I really enjoy how you pulled out some important elements in red, further adding to the hierarchy. On suggestion I have for imporovement would be to wrap the letter R around the box, instead of cutting it off, as you did with the other letters. Overall this box makes a very bold statement and effictively communicates confidence. The box that communicates energy is also extreemely effective. The curved type is intersting to look at and the variation in size from the start of the sentence to the end works well. This helps my eye to flow around the entire box and the form of the type is energetic and fun! Finally, the box that communicates informational, is polished and fun. the chalkboard style of the hand lettering helps the viewer understand all of the information in a unique way.

    You have embraced the hierarchy of non-traditional text by making snap, crackle, and pop the main focus of your letter pressed box. The ampersand is typically a small detail on the rice krispies bo, but the way you increased the hierachy is very succesful and uses the unique letterform as a design element.

    Your photographs display your boxes very accurately and appropriately. The wood table and black background boost the contrast of your letterpressed box and make the red R pop. The yellow background of you ampersand box really emphasizes your yellow type! The pink background also emphasizes the heavy contrast of your chalkboard box while adding a pop of color to the black and whit design.

    Overall, these boxes show a great range of exploration, effectively communicate the attributes, and are succesful in different ways for different reasons! Great work!
