Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Amelia Hernandez-Final Boxes

 This specific box is to represent order. The communication of this piece expresses order by the organization of information. The use of blue, black and white colors was to keep the box "krisp"and clean. Hierarchy is represented with the various sizes of text and also written in blue. I kept everything flushed left to keep unity throughout each side of the box. 

detailed abstract shot of box 1
 For my second box, I wanted to represent comfort. I used a subtle/under toned/ relaxing sage green and clean white hand lettering to give the box a "homey" feel. Keeping the box unified throughout was something I kept in mind. I wanted hand lettering on the front but I wanted to make it different from my other box by not using the RICE KRISPIES name only on the front so I pulled from the other information. Using hand lettering and a comfortable serif, with the addition of the calming sage green I feel this box represent comfort very nicely. 

detailed abstract shot of box 2

 For my third and final box, I believe it is pretty clear that this box represents energy. I used contrast between the red and the indigo to make the red very vibrant. I also used contrast with the hand lettering and typeface of choice. Behind the content is the barcode: which can be scanned at any angle on the box. Content of this box is highlighted between two bright red rectangle on either side of the box which guides the viewers eyes into the middle of the box. From every angle this box is bright, vibrant and exhumes energy. 

detailed shot of box 3

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! First of all, overall good job on the boxes. Taking a closer look at your boxes I believe your degree of exploration is limited and you could of explored a little more with different materials or forms. I do enjoy your handwriting on the ‘comfort’ box, but I would like to see what it would look like if maybe it was all handwritten. There is definitely a diversity between your three chosen designs and I like how you made the second box different from the other two by using ‘Simple grains of rice. Simple good fun.’ as the title rather than rice krispies. You embraced the idea of alternative the most on your ‘order’ box because of your text wrapping around and placing the nutrient facts on the top of the cereal box. I believe you successfully created the right visuals to bring about your chosen attributes. As for the text, I wish you would of explore more on how to display all of the body copy rather than full paragraphs on each box, for example of the back of the ‘energy’ box if you were to randomly place all of the sentences and separate them out it may have added to your attribute. One thing that I do believe you could’ve easily improved is the photographic quality and getting out the yellows in your images. Also the dark lines on the foldings of the box are a tad bit distracting and it makes me wonder if you purposely put them there. You have a few interesting angles and positioning of the boxes but I would of liked to see your boxes in context or with a different background to add a little more to your final pieces!
