Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kylie Dressman - P1 Final

For this project I created three boxes that vary in color, typographic form, and tone.  When they are placed next to each other together, they complement each other by the contrasting use of color.  Alone, they each evoke a different attribute which are (L to R) Informational, Energy, and Order.




(L to R)

1.   I believe that the first cereal box is informational because the paragraphs that explain and give the history of Rice Krispies are the main focus on both sides of the box.  My goal for this box was to create contrast by using scale and color.  It displays the information in a clean and interesting way, and the hierarchy makes the information on the the box easy to follow and understand.  The reason for creating this box on the computer was to create variety between the boxes because the other two have headlines that are hand generated.

2.  For this second box I got off of the computer and experimented with cut paper typography and bold colors.  I believe that the second box evokes the attribute energy.  The random placement of the cut letters on the top and side of the box paired with the large and contrasting letters are what evoke energy.  The large textured letters wrap around and guide the viewer's eye around the box.

3.  After looking at work by artists such as Martin Venezky, Hugo Werner, and Andy Burgess, I was inspired by the collages that they did, and how they cut paper and took photos of them.  This is my attempt at collaging type.  I believe this box evokes the attribute of Order.  Although this box may look chaotic at first, it is actually neatly organized.  Each strip of paper is placed to create a grid on the box.  The computer generated type on the back of the box is also placed on a grid.  All sides of the box work together well, but they also work well alone because the sides do not depend on each other.

Proposed Design

I chose box # 3 to be my proposed design because it is the box that I explored the most with.  I had a lot of fun with this design cutting and organizing paper, and then editing them on the computer.  It also shows all of the information required in a non-traditional way.  I took a few of my proposed design photos with a purple backdrop because it brings out the bright colors on the box.  It also highlights the playfulness of the box.

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