Monday, April 13, 2015

Annica Anderson - P1

My goal for this project was to create a series of boxes that were cohesive enough to photograph nicely together and yet different enough to provide visual interest and a variety of design options. I created three different designs, each embodying a unique characteristic. The first relies on interdependence, the second is very informational, and the final box is full of energy.

I created a sense of interdependence on the first box by arranging the letterforms in a chaotic (yet uniquely ordered) arrangement. The placement of each letterforms depends on the placement of the glyphs around it, and each element on the box relies on the other elements to communicate most effectively. Additionally, there's the second level of interdependence between order and chaos.

My second design is very informational in the cleanly structured, ordered layout of text, which calmly invites the user to explore all sides of the box. On the back of the box, the body copy acts almost as an infographic, relaying important information about various aspects of the cereal.

My third and final piece was meant to convey energy, a sort of kinetic expression on several levels. I drew inspiration from the iconic "snap, crackle, & pop" sounds the cereal makes as you pour the milk in, and tried to create a similar energy in my design. The warm orange-y yellow dots are meant to represent the cereal, and the blue dots mimic the path of milk being poured into a bowl. I believe I created a sense of movement, energy, and ultimately visual interest in this design.

The three final boxes, front view.

The three final boxes, back view.

The final design proposal, full of kinetic energy.

Another view of the final proposal.

A close up of the interdependent design which highlights the chaotic relationships between the letterforms.

A close up of the informational box, highlighting the cost of a serving of cereal with milk.

1 comment:

  1. Annica,

    Great job on your boxes! I think you were successful in keeping your boxes cohesive. They all work together very nicely, through color scheme and typefaces chosen.

    I think when it came to exploration outside of the computer you could have explored more. Mostly because I know how BOMB your hand lettering skills are! I wish I could have seen some of it on your final boxes.

    Although your boxes work well together they are diverse throughout. The color scheme ties them all together yet the concept of each box. It is understood which box is used for interdependence, informational and energy.

    It's really clear that you understood the content provided. I really like the informational box, on the back how you used the content to create relatable images like an infographic.

    Overall I think your photographs are great! I think if you were to put this in a portfolio I would try to make the background appear white or reduce the amount of wrinkles in the paper used!

    Good Work!

