Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hope Simmons: P1 Final

Left to right: refinement, confidence, energy

Left to right: refinement, confidence, energy

For this final piece, I focused on a simplistic approach. During the design process, I moved from a cut and scan method to purely computer. The handmade cut and scan method was not able to provide the refinement I wanted to convey. Therefore, once on the computer I placed each phrase, title and fact on the template with a conscientious effort to use minimal space. In doing so, I created order as well as refinement. The large color fields provide a clean, polished look. The combination of white, yellow and blue adds richness—yellow provides warmth, blue provides strength. I chose a combination of Archer and Gill Sans for my fonts, both having very clean, refined letter-forms.  

For this final piece, I focused on a bold approach. During the design process, I used the cut and scan method. I then moved on to use the computer and used a duotone effect to add boldness through color. For colors, I chose red and orange—red provides boldness and orange provides confidence. While placing the scanned cutouts on the template, I combined straight and angled alignments aimed at creating a strong, dynamic look.  I chose a combination of Clarendon and Snell for my fonts—Clarendon being thick and curvilinear, Snell being well-established cursive letter-forms. 

For this final piece, I focused on a dynamic approach. During the design process, I used a cut and scan method. At first, the cereal box appeared too boring. Therefore, I moved on to use the computer and added a duotone effect. I chose orange and blue—contrasting colors that produce a lively affect. However, the cereal box still appeared too boring. I then turned to repetition—instead of repeating with digital fonts (Clarendon + Gill Sans), I decided to use my own hand lettering to overlap the digital type. This effect proved to add the desired energy to the cereal box.

For my client, I propose Energy. It is my most explored piece, and I believe the fun colors and energetic design best fits Rice Krispies

Front & Back: Energy

Alternate Energetic View

Back details: Energy

Bottom details: Energy

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope! You really came a long way from last week – a lot of refinements like you showed us in your presentation today! You did a lot of explorations for your process and generated several non-computer options. I think you also ended up with three designs that clearly show a range of solutions and are different from each other. They show a range of hierarchies from the very traditional approach of your refinement box to the bolder and freer flowing confidence and energy designs. I think they do embody their chosen attributes, too. For me, the energy one creates most empathy to the content – it has such a fun and cheerful appearance. You did a good job photographing your designs, you show nice details and the colors look quite accurate to me. I love your overflowing cereal bowl picture! Nice work overall ☺
