Monday, April 13, 2015

Kevin Baynham Final Boxes

For my Rice Krispies cereal box designs, I chose the words confidence, order, and comfort (from left to right).

1) Comfort - While designing this box, it was important that I always try to provide a comforting feeling. I chose to hand letter the back ground because it provides a supporting image behind the information being shown on the box and it fills the negative space soothingly. The colors are sophisticated and allow the text to rest on the box in a calming fashion; a homey feeling.

2) Confidence - I wanted this box to contain bold and heavy text and rules. While keeping everything organized in a clean manner, I made sure that important text was more visible so that a feeling of confidence was being displayed.

3) Order - Finally, this box cleanly provides information on the box in a orderly fashion. On the front, text is stacked and grouped together so that it is visually appealing while still having a sense of hierarchy. On the side of the box, important health percentages are shown in a easy to read structure. On the back, the rest of the text is neatly organized so that the user knows exactly what they will be reading. This is also the "chosen" box that I would show to a client.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Degree of exploration in "non-computer" form:
    The subtle hand lettering in the tan and white box creates a texture that enhances the story of what the box portrays, which is comfort. The subdued colors also promote a comforting vibe.

    2. The range of solutions—diversity:
    All three boxes use a diverse variety of typefaces and colors. I think you could have pushed your explorations to use more off-the-computer creations.

    3. Embrace the idea of alternative or non-traditional hierarchy:
    You did a nice job experimenting with hierarchy when you made "simple" very prominent as well as percentages and other elements that might usually not be so important. On the first two boxes you possibly could have made something other than "Rice Krispies" the main element, however, if you are trying to sell the cereal, it would make the most sense to emphasize those words.

    4. Degree to which the visual design embodies (communicates) the attribute
    I think all three of your designs clearly reflect the attributes you geared them towards. Elements of each box directly relate to the attributes.

    5. Empathy for the content, the text.
    You were careful in how you placed text on each box and it seems like you intentionally placed certain words in certain places.

    6. photographic quality—color balance, composition, cropping, focus, etc.
    Your studio photos are nicely lit and composed. Don't be afraid to experiment with distinctive lighting set ups or a variety of background colors or textures. The last lifestyle photo is nice, but I think it could have been cropped better without the picture frames in the background. I don't think the chair is even necessary in the photo either unless you maybe had someone eating the cereal sitting in the chair in the background.

    7. Use of context in photographs:
    I think you could have explored more with different scenery and props for your lifestyle photos.
