Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Liz Knochelmann P1 Final

For this project the assignment of a word was designated for each box. I chose energy, confidence and informational. The pink gridded box convey's energy with it's bright colors and intertwining handwritten type and computer generated text. The idea shows energy through the grid and proves that through the organization of letterforms the energy is conveyed neatly. 

The second box, the pale blue and yellow, convey's information. This simplistic but chaotic form tricks the mind into believing that the information you are to absorb comes from the front. This is purely to then draw attention to the structure of the information on the back and allow the reader a seamless transition from point to point. This is the box that I would propose to a client. I feel this box is the most unconventional and non-cereal box like, but that's what I love about it. 

The third box, convey's confidence. The way that the dark blue/black form has woven type and a gradient of typeface sizes the box itches for attention, therefore exuding confidence. The box, though simplistic on the front, shows its confidence through the changing paragraph forms and the vertical type. 

The detailed shots of this box show the small copy and how the reader could potential decipher the text on the front, but then move to the back of the box to see the type in an orderly fashion and informationally laid out. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, it's Liz! This is awkward, but here goes.
    #1 - use of non-computer stuff
    I looked at your process blog and you did lots of fun exploration with mark making. You used crayon and colored pencils and finger paint and so much more and those things are super exciting, but I don't see how you incorporated those things into your final boxes. I think you could really try to integrate those things and could have some super fun and effective designs.

    #2 - diversity
    Your three designs embrace diversity and convey different ideas really well. The box that stands out to me as being exceptionally different is the brightly colored one. The other two, while being different, have a lot of similarities in their type treatment - and I think that was an area where you could really introduce diversity by implementing some of the non-computer explorations you played with!

    #3 - alternative hierarchy
    You played around with this in some fun ways with your use of type size and and positioning. I really like some of the preliminary designs on your process blog a little better than I like the final choices you decided on in terms of hierarchy. There's one where you used cookie cutters, I think, to spell snap crackle pop and I think that was really effective as an exploration in alternative hierarchy

    #4 - how the design embodies the attribute
    You explained well how each box conveys energy, confidence, and informational. I'm able to see visually how each of those attributes plays out in your final designs.

    #5 - empathy for the content
    I think the brightly colored box is the most effective in following the context and content of the message itself. It's a very fun design, which follows with the connotation of Rice Krispies themselves.

    #6 - photographic quality
    In some places, the quality of the photography causes some problems with color clarity. For instance, it could be a difference between web colors and standard colors, but one view of the blue box looks really yellow/greenish. The photos that work the best are the top three. You have a good angle that shows the three designs together and the close up of the pink box emphasizes your design - and the orange juice and banana give a great color contrast to the box itself.

    #7 - use of context in photos
    You have some great photos with rice krispies context and the "healthy morning breakfast" vibe, but I think you could really explore with some more similar photos with all three of your cereal box designs.

    Anywho, overall, I think you have a great process. I'd be really interested in knowing how your design evolved from Thursday till now because you made some brand new leaps. :) Have a fantastic day!
