Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Experimenting with type and its function on the surface of a Rice Krispies box I came up with the following three variations. 

Confidence: On this box the bold and simple type is large and high contrasting to show the reassurance in its subject

Energy: This box demonstrates energy by the elective feel of the three d text effect

Interdependence: By using cut paper and set type, this box has two major elects that rely on each other to make it a successful box.

1 comment:

  1. 1. degree of exploration in "non-computer" form generation
    The way that your “Simple Good” box plays with the non-computer, cut paper and shadows is very appealing. I also think that your black and red box, could have incorporated a hand drawn giant K, because the cropping on the side could be more dynamic if it were made from something else or hand lettered.

    2. range of solutions—diversity
    I feel that your solutions are all very different in how the type is treated and how you portrayed the characteristics of each, but the boxes tend to follow the same color palette, which could be an area you go back and look at. The exploration of size and typefaces is very diverse though and I think is something that you excelled in.

    3. embraces the idea of alternative or non-traditional hierarchy
    In both your layered box and the hand generated box, you worked well with changing the hierarchy and not focusing too greatly on the “Rice Krispies” aspect, which I think is very successful. I do think you could have played more with placement of the black box, seeing as it is more traditional than the other two. Great job with the hand cut one, the hierarchy is very obviously present and works with giving the box that shelf appeal.

    4. degree to which the visual design visualizes the attribute
    I think your attributions given to both the confidence box as well as the energy box are very appropriate. I agree with you that the 3D text effect gives the box more energy than if it were flat and not varied. The third box, could also appeal to comfort, because it feels more humanistic and makes me want to eat what’s inside rather than feeling interdependence. I do understand how you applied interdependence to the box, but I feel as though comfort seems more appropriate.

    5. empathy for the content. the text.
    The way the text is treated in the box using cut paper is very empathetic to the content. The way that you made the text present on the front of the box, and made it part of the design shows that you thought about how the type should be treated. The type on the layered box also gives more empathy to the content because I can tell you didn’t just slap the content on as an afterthought.

    6. photographic quality—color balance, composition, cropping, focus, etc.
    The color balance of most of your photos is good, but there are a few yellows spots that you could have went in and removed. I also think, with a lot of the white incorporated into your boxes, it would have been nice to see them photographed on a colored background or with a filter behind them.

    7. use of context in photographs
    The image with the hand is very successful, but a little more context would have been nice. Possibly next to other cereal boxes in a grocery store, or even on a set table as if you were about to sit down to eat.
    Overall, great exploration and successful play throughout all three boxes.
