Tuesday, May 5, 2015

P2 Final - Amelia Hernandez

 This is my visual representation of what Bebop and Charlie Parker music sounds like. Somethings I kept in mind while designing was how the space would look in downtown Kansas City. I wanted it to blend in with the great atmosphere but also stand out. I chose a warm color pallet and wooden floors to provide a vibrant, jazz feel.

Throughout the space visitors would see Charlie Parker in his glory days. Although he lived a short life due to addiction, I wanted to represent the positivity he brought to Jazz music. He altered the way which way it could be played and how it sounded. I represented this through out my box with the fluidity of color schemes, opaque triangles that guide a viewers eye and font choice. 

On the exterior of my box I wanted to hint at what was happening on the inside with out giving it away. I chose to use simplicity on the exterior to do so.

 Spatial Photos

Informational Pamphlet

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