Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Gretchen Raguse P2 Final Deliverables

For my spacial experience, showcasing the life and stylings of Bebop jazz musician and creator, Charlie Parker, I chose to tie biographical elements in with visual depictions of jazz. When you enter the space, the bold and bright walls surround you and immediately the floor begins to rise, taking you on a symbolic journey through history. As you move through the space, the elevation of the floor directly represents his timeline throughout his life, rising to fame and eventually falling to the deathly effects of drug use. This movement through elevation also symbolizes the changing beats in bebop, and this sentiment is again suggested in the walls, as they are layered and chaotic, symbolizing Parker's style of music as well as his character by utilizing bird motifs. An interesting aspect to note is the number floor sections. Each new level is color coded and numbered to coincide with biographical information found in the booklet. These booklets are ideally placed along the right wall as you enter, meant to be used to help navigate you through the space.

The three words that inspired me were: chaotic, vibrant and movement.




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